Thursday, November 29, 2012

3. Moby baby wearing wrap

This brand is particularly nice because it is made of a nice breathable fabric that doesn't stretch out with time.  Another advantage is that the weight is distributed well over the shoulders which helps fight back/shoulder fatigue.  There are several ways you can wear the baby and the wraps come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.  The downfall is that they are expensive (ranging from $50-$60 USD) so for any of you who are a bit crafty, you might try making one for yourselves or friends with similar material.  

Here are the measurements I found online:

16 ft long
21 inches wide at widest
4" at the very narrowest end (the ends are tapered gradually and the ends are rounded).
The material is 95% cotton and 5% spandex.

You also might want to visit the Moby wrap website to see terrific instructional videos on how to tie it properly in different configurations.

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